The Head Of Barbarik ( Akash Bhairav )

The Mahabharata talks about this powerful king called Babarik who would turn the tides of the Kurukshetra war by taking the Pandava side and Lord Krishna chops off his head, to avoid the calamity. Nepali Newars of Kathmandu, especially the “Jyapu” community believe that this chopped off head flew all the way to Kathmandu and landed on the site where the famous “Akash Bhairav” temple stands today. It is also  believe that the head belongs to the great Kirati King Yalambar( which is to be considered as Barbarik in Mahabharat) 

Picture Of Akash Bhairav ( King Barbarik\Yalambar)

Head Of Akash Bhairav is not any fictional story it is a real incident .

Mokomokai: The Preserved Heads of Maori


One of the most valuable Maori artifacts that

survive to this day are Mokomokai - the preserved

heads of people with Moko. Often, the heads were

those of family members or important tribe

members, and were treated with the utmost

respect and brought out on special occasions. But

Mokomokai were also made from the heads

There is no doubt that same kind of process is done to protect and preserve the Head Of 'Aaksh Bhairav'


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